Upcoming Events

Lenten House Church
Join us on Fridays during Lent for one of our favorite St. Paul’s traditions. Each Friday evening at 6:30PM, we’ll gather at a parishioner’s home, beginning with a simple meal, reflection on scripture, and prayer. We will focus on the “blessings” found in the Beatitudes in Matthew and Luke.
To find out the location for the week, or to sign up to host, please contact the Church Office at office@stpaulsbrookline.org.

Candlelight Vigil
A weekly Candlelight Vigil held out in front of St. Paul’s Brookline. We’ll gather on the steps of the church entrance facing Aspinwall street.
The Vigil will be held in the spirit of a prayerful yearning for love, mercy, and peace in a troubled world. Battery candles will be provided and all are welcome, regardless of faith background and/or religious affiliation.

Lenten House Church
Join us on Fridays during Lent for one of our favorite St. Paul’s traditions. Each Friday evening at 6:30PM, we’ll gather at a parishioner’s home, beginning with a simple meal, reflection on scripture, and prayer. We will focus on the “blessings” found in the Beatitudes in Matthew and Luke.
To find out the location for the week, or to sign up to host, please contact the Church Office at office@stpaulsbrookline.org.

Candlelight Vigil
A weekly Candlelight Vigil held out in front of St. Paul’s Brookline. We’ll gather on the steps of the church entrance facing Aspinwall street.
The Vigil will be held in the spirit of a prayerful yearning for love, mercy, and peace in a troubled world. Battery candles will be provided and all are welcome, regardless of faith background and/or religious affiliation.

Lenten House Church
Join us on Fridays during Lent for one of our favorite St. Paul’s traditions. Each Friday evening at 6:30PM, we’ll gather at a parishioner’s home, beginning with a simple meal, reflection on scripture, and prayer. We will focus on the “blessings” found in the Beatitudes in Matthew and Luke.
To find out the location for the week, or to sign up to host, please contact the Church Office at office@stpaulsbrookline.org.

Candlelight Vigil
A weekly Candlelight Vigil held out in front of St. Paul’s Brookline. We’ll gather on the steps of the church entrance facing Aspinwall street.
The Vigil will be held in the spirit of a prayerful yearning for love, mercy, and peace in a troubled world. Battery candles will be provided and all are welcome, regardless of faith background and/or religious affiliation.

Installation & Celebration of New Ministry
Join us to celebrate this new season in the life of St. Paul’s as we officially ‘install’ Rev. Dr. Won-Jae Hur as our 13th rector. Our bishop, the Rt. Rev. Julia Whitworth, will be present with us to welcome and celebrate Won-Jae’s new ministry at St. Paul’s.

Retreat Day
We will practice ways to deepen our spiritual life through meditation, contemplation on Scripture (lectiodivina), and time for reflection and conversation. We will also set aside time for people to rest quietly, journal, or draw. For those interested, there will be time for qigong and yoga. People of all religious affiliations are welcome to participate.
9 am: Teaching
9:15 am: Meditation on Love & Compassion
10 am: Free Time (Journaling, Art Work, Walk, Rest)
10 am: (Optional) Qi gong, Yoga
10:45 am: Contemplative Reflection on Scripture
11:30 am: Group Reflection
12:00 pm: Adjourn

Candlelight Vigil
A weekly Candlelight Vigil held out in front of St. Paul’s Brookline. We’ll gather on the steps of the church entrance facing Aspinwall street.
The Vigil will be held in the spirit of a prayerful yearning for love, mercy, and peace in a troubled world. Battery candles will be provided and all are welcome, regardless of faith background and/or religious affiliation.

Lenten House Church
Join us on Fridays during Lent for one of our favorite St. Paul’s traditions. Each Friday evening at 6:30PM, we’ll gather at a parishioner’s home, beginning with a simple meal, reflection on scripture, and prayer. We will focus on the “blessings” found in the Beatitudes in Matthew and Luke.
To find out the location for the week, or to sign up to host, please contact the Church Office at office@stpaulsbrookline.org.

Candlelight Vigil
A weekly Candlelight Vigil held out in front of St. Paul’s Brookline. We’ll gather on the steps of the church entrance facing Aspinwall street.
The Vigil will be held in the spirit of a prayerful yearning for love, mercy, and peace in a troubled world. Battery candles will be provided and all are welcome, regardless of faith background and/or religious affiliation.

Retreat Day
We will practice ways to deepen our spiritual life through meditation, contemplation on Scripture (lectiodivina), and time for reflection and conversation. We will also set aside time for people to rest quietly, journal, or draw. For those interested, there will be time for qigong and yoga. People of all religious affiliations are welcome to participate.
9 am: Teaching
9:15 am: Meditation on Love & Compassion
10 am: Free Time (Journaling, Art Work, Walk, Rest)
10 am: (Optional) Qi gong, Yoga
10:45 am: Contemplative Reflection on Scripture
11:30 am: Group Reflection
12:00 pm: Adjourn

Lenten House Church
Join us on Fridays during Lent for one of our favorite St. Paul’s traditions. Each Friday evening at 6:30PM, we’ll gather at a parishioner’s home, beginning with a simple meal, reflection on scripture, and prayer. We will focus on the “blessings” found in the Beatitudes in Matthew and Luke.
To find out the location for the week, or to sign up to host, please contact the Church Office at office@stpaulsbrookline.org.

Candlelight Vigil
A weekly Candlelight Vigil held out in front of St. Paul’s Brookline. We’ll gather on the steps of the church entrance facing Aspinwall street.
The Vigil will be held in the spirit of a prayerful yearning for love, mercy, and peace in a troubled world. Battery candles will be provided and all are welcome, regardless of faith background and/or religious affiliation.

Scripture Group
In March, the Scripture Group will continue discussion of the book Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times, by Soong-Chan Rah, alongside the biblical book of Lamentations. All are welcome!

A Conversation with Ines Palmarin, St. Stephen's Youth Program Executive Director
How can we strengthen and develop our relationship with SSYP and support their mission to promote equity in education, employment and opportunity through long-term relationships with youth and their families and communities? Come meet SSYP’s Executive Director, Ines Palmarin, as we explore these questions.

Lenten House Church Gatherings
Lenten House Church
Parishioners’ Homes on Fridays during Lent (6:30 pm - 8:30 pm)
Come continue a long tradition at St. Paul's of meeting on Friday nights in parishioners’ homes beginning with a simple meal, reflection on scripture, and prayer. Lenten House Church starts on Friday, March 7th, and continues for the following four Fridays. We will focus on the “blessings” found in the Beatitudes in Matthew and Luke. What do they say to us and how might they guide us in this difficult time? We will also be praying for each other at St. Paul’s. If you feel led to host the group in your home, prepare food, or lead the reflection, please contact the Church Office or sign up at Lenten House Church. We will distribute cards each Sunday (starting March 2nd)for folks to prepare for the following Friday: those who cannot attend can take a card home and journey with us through Lent. Find them on the table outside the office. Prayer requests welcome. Watch this space each week and check out the newsletter for more details. Feel free to contact Tim Smith at timothy.smith@rcn.com with any questions.

Ash Wednesday Service
Join us in our sanctuary for a quiet, reflective Ash Wednesday service as we begin the season of Lent. All are welcome.

Candlelight Vigil
Starting on Ash Wednesday (March 5th), there will be a weekly Candlelight Vigil held out in front of St. Paul’s Brookline. We’ll gather on the steps of the church entrance facing Aspinwall street.
The Vigil will be held in the spirit of a prayerful yearning for love, mercy, and peace in a troubled world. Battery candles will be provided and all are welcome, regardless of faith background and/or religious affiliation.

Ashes on the Curbside
Our clergy will be present at St. Paul’s to offer ashes and prayer for all. Weather permitting, the clergy will be stationed on the sidewalk. If weather doesn’t allow, clergy will be stationed inside the sanctuary of the church.

Ashes on the Curbside
Our clergy will be present at St. Paul’s to offer ashes and prayer for all. Weather permitting, the clergy will be stationed on the sidewalk. If weather doesn’t allow, clergy will be stationed inside the sanctuary of the church.

"Faith, Power, & Social Change: Why and How," Conversation with Sneh Chachra (GBIO Brookline Lead Organizer)
Why would churches want to be involved in community organizing? What is the theological basis for community organizing? What is the purpose? How do we do it as a gospel-based practice?
Come and discuss these questions with Rev. Won-Jae and Sneh Chandra, lead organizer for GBIO Brookline, who will be visiting us this Sunday at 9 am.

175th Anniversary Hoedown
We’re celebrating our parish’s 175th anniversary just like our founders intended- with a hoedown! We’ll have a live band, square dancing, food, a raffle, and more.

Retreat Day
We will practice ways to deepen our spiritual life through meditation, contemplation on Scripture (lectiodivina), and time for reflection and conversation. We will also set aside time for people to rest quietly, journal, or draw. For those interested, there will be time for qigong and yoga. People of all religious affiliations are welcome to participate.
9 am: Teaching
9:15 am: Meditation on Love & Compassion
10 am: Free Time (Journaling, Art Work, Walk, Rest)
10 am: (Optional) Qi gong, Yoga
10:45 am: Contemplative Reflection on Scripture
11:30 am: Group Reflection
12:00 pm: Adjourn

Valentine's Celebration with St. Stephen's Youth
St. Stephen’s Youth Program (SSYP) has invited our community to participate in their Valentine’s Day celebration. Come make cards and heart-shaped ornaments with the kids and staff of SSYP!
If you are interested in helping out on Valentine;s Day, contact Kate Kelley or Latasha Scott of SSYP at latasha@ssypboston.org.

Discernment Conversation
Join us for a time of prayerful conversation on God’s call to St. Paul’s today. What is God calling St. Paul’s to do and to be at this time, given our mission, current needs, and our local and national contexts?

Discernment Conversation
Join us for a time of prayerful conversation on God’s call to St. Paul’s today. What is God calling St. Paul’s to do and to be at this time, given our mission, current needs, and our local and national contexts?

Retreat Day
We will practice ways to deepen our spiritual life through meditation, contemplation on Scripture (lectiodivina), and time for reflection and conversation. We will also set aside time for people to rest quietly, journal, or draw. For those interested, there will be time for qigong exercises. People of all religious affiliations are welcome to participate.
9 am: Teaching
9:15 am: Meditation on Love & Compassion
10 am: Free Time (Journaling, Art Work, Walk, Rest)
10 am: (Optional) Qi gong, Yoga
10:45 am: Contemplative Reflection on Scripture
11:30 am: Group Reflection
12:00 pm: Adjourn

Discernment Meeting - Outreach and Social Justice
All Outreach and Social Justice Ministry groups are invited to meet collectively on January 12 at 11:30 am in the main sanctuary to reflect on what people have learned from the fall forum series, and to discuss the next step for St. Paul’s outreach and social justice work.
The aim of the meeting is to build on the forum conversations to gain greater clarity for St. Paul’s outreach and social justice ministry as a whole, in light of our shared sense of God’s call and the larger community’s current context and needs.

Support Fire Disaster Relief in LA
If you feel moved to support relief efforts, there are two ways to do so within the Episcopal Church. The links are listed below:
Diocese of Los Angeles Fire Relief: https://diocesela.org/fire-response/
Episcopal Relief and Development Disaster Relief: https://www.episcopalrelief.org/

Equipping St. Paul's for Mission & Outreach
What does it mean to be a church? What is the place of outreach and social justice in the church’s life? How do we equip ourselves “to serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves,” and “to strive for justice and peace among all people,” as our Baptismal Covenant says? Please join us for our last forum in the series on St. Paul’s mission and outreach and explore these questions through small group reflection and conversation. Rev. Won-Jae Hur will offer a short presentation and facilitate the conversation.

Help Needed - Support for Refugee Families at All Saints Brookline
Our friends at All Saints Episcopal Church (Brookline) are preparing to welcome and host a refugee family at their parish. We want to partner with them to provide support for this family!
There are two ways to support right now:
Sign up here to support with ongoing needs and tasks (transportation, translation, childcare, etc.)
Sign up here to provide needed items and supplies (NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ANY PURCHASES UNTIL YOU HEAR FROM ALL SAINTS. This form is to be used only to commit to purchasing when it becomes necessary).
For more info, reach out to Elliott.

Lessons and Carols
Join us on the first Sunday of Christmas for one of our favorite annual traditions! We’ll hear readings from the story of Christ’s birth and sing some of our favorite Christmas carols in worship on Sunday morning. All are welcome.

Candlelight Carols
Come sing, come listen! Come open yourself to this moment of hope as we near the wonder of Christmas.
Surrounded by candlelight, let the music, readings, and prayers lift your spirit and calm your soul. All are welcome.

Christmas Pageant
Join us for what promises to be the best pageant ever! Our beloved annual pageant takes place during the 10am service on the Sunday preceding Christmas. All kids are welcome to participate. Get in touch with our children and youth minister, Elliott, through our office if you’d like to join in the fun.

Blue Christmas
Blue Christmas is a quiet, meditative, service that provides a safe space to gather up all kinds of feelings– even the difficult ones– into the Christmas season. We like to think of it as a service of solace and hope. If you have friends for whom Christmastime is difficult, please invite them, too. All are welcome.

Messiah Sing
Join us on December 1st for our 50th annual Messiah Sing!
This annual tradition is a great way to get into the true spirit of the season. Our choir will be singing Handel’s Messiah and you’re invited to join in the fun. Vocal talents of every level are most welcome and invited.

Inquirer's Class
Whether you are new to St. Paul’s and the Episcopal Church or you have been here for years and want to learn more, this class is for you! Join Rev. Elise Feyerherm for a casual conversation about the way we practice our faith. For more information, reach out to our office.