Adult Christian Formation

Join us at 9:00am and/or 11:30 am on most Sundays from September through June for discussions with our clergy, church members, or guest speakers. 

Several Saturday Retreat Days are offered from September through June. Check this page and parish calendar for dates and times.

Contact our church office at for more information.

The path of Christian discipleship is a lifelong journey. God calls us never to stop learning, and to grow continually in our understanding and in deepening our relationship with God, through Christ, in the Holy Spirit. What we do together is truly “formation,” not just education, because we are not just seeking intellectual knowledge. We seek to be formed in Christ, schooling ourselves in practices that help us increase in love, prayer, and service.

Between the 8 am and 10 am liturgies or after the 10am liturgy, we gather for discussion of a wide variety of topics. All are welcome to join us!

Current Sunday Adult Formation Series

Inquirers Class on Christian Faith and the Episcopal Church

HOW DO WE WALK IN LOVE AS THE JESUS MOVEMENT IN THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH? Join us for conversation, reflection, and prayer as we explore the Christian tradition as it has been lived out in the Episcopal/Anglican tradition. We’ll be drawing on the book Walk In Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices, by Scott Gunn and Melody Shobe. Participants are encouraged to read the book in preparation for our discussions, but it is NOT required. You can come to all or any of the sessions. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm on the following datese: Nov 3, Nov 10, Dec 1, Dec 15, Jan 5, Jan 19, Feb 2, Feb 16, Mar 2, Mar 16, Apr 6. See brochure HERE.

St. Paul’s Mission and Outreach Ministry Series

December 1 - January 5, 9 am - 9:50 am, Great Hall

How does St. Paul’s Church serve its mission to love God and neighbor? What is God’s call to St. Paul’s now, in this time and place? We will explore these questions through presentations on specific social justice/outreach ministries and conversations about the church’s call and mission as we enter a new chapter in our common life as Christ’s body in the world.

Session 1: Mission/Outreach at St. Pauls, (Tim Hintz)

Session 2: Ministry Outside the Parish (Clara Batchelor and Piper Trelstad)

Session 3: Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (Jim Batchelor)

Session 4: Equipping St. Paul's for Mission and Outreach (Rev. Won-Jae Hur)

Retreat Days 2025: Training in Christian Spiritual Practices

January 18

February 15

March 15

May 17

Retreat Days will be held regularly throughout the 2025 program year. We will practice some basic ways to deepen our spiritual life through meditation practice, contemplation on Scripture (lectio divina), and time for reflection and conversation. We will set aside time for people to rest quietly, journal, or draw. For those interested, there will be time for qigong exercises. People of all or no religious affiliation are welcome to participate. For more information, please email Won-Jae Hur at

Ongoing Groups that Meet Regularly and are Open to New Members

Education for Ministry (EfM) - meets Thursday evenings during the school year. Through study, prayer, worship, and reflection, our seminar group journeys together through scripture, church history, and theology.  Hosted by St. Paul's & includes members from other parishes.

Scripture Group - meets the fourth Tuesday of each month

Pub Theology Young Adult Group

Knitting Ministry - meets on the second Sunday of each month

Click here for a sample of groups engage in service and outreach