Adult Christian Formation

The path of Christian discipleship is a lifelong journey. God calls us never to stop learning, and to grow continually in our understanding and in deepening our relationship with God, through Christ, in the Holy Spirit. What we do together is truly “formation,” not just education, because we are not just seeking intellectual knowledge. We seek to be formed in Christ, schooling ourselves in practices that help us increase in love, prayer, and service.

We gather regularly for discussion of a wide variety of topics; our current and upcoming offerings are listed below. All are welcome!

Spring 2025 Adult Forums

February 16 - Appreciating Scripture, Tony Nguyen

February 23 - Meditation, Contemplation, Social Action II (follow up to the fall forum), Won-Jae Hur

March 2 - People, Power, Change: Sneh Chachra, Organizer

March 9 - Urban Youth Outreach, Inés Palmarin, Director of St. Stephen’s Youth Program

March 16 - Recovery and Spirituality, Ben Norton

March 23 - May 11:  Bible Study (Gospel of Luke), Elise Feyerherm

May 18 - Apostle Paul: An Introduction, Won-Jae Hur

May 25 - Ministry with Homeless Neighbors, Pat Zifcak

June 1 - June 15 : Bible Study - 1 Corinthians, Won-Jae Hur

Inquirer’s Class

Christian Faith and the Episcopal Church

Join us for conversation, reflection, and prayer as we explore the Christianity in the Episcopal/Anglican tradition.

We’ll be drawing on the book Walk In Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices, by Scott Gunn and Melody Shobe. Participants are encouraged to read the book in preparation for our discussions, but it is not required. Further information can be found HERE.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm on Feb 2, Feb 16, Mar 2, Mar 16, Apr 6. See brochure HERE.

Retreat Days

Spring 2025 dates: January 18; February 15; March 15; May 17.

We offer regular retreat days designed to offer both guided and unstructured time to explore deeper spiritual practice. These retreat days are grounded in meditation, contemplation with Scripture (lectio divina), and time for reflection on contemplative practice and discernment.

We will set aside time for people to rest quietly, journal, or draw according to your preference. For those interested, there will be time for qigong or yoga practice (please bring your own yoga mat). These retreats are always free of charge. Retreats take place on the dates listed from 9am - 12pm at St. Paul’s.

Did you miss one of our Sunday Forums?

Access the recordings here or on our Youtube page:

Recovery and Spirituality with Ben Norton