Worship Ministries

Server Spreadsheet

To sign up on the server spreadsheet as an acolyte, altar guild member, chalice bearer, greeter, lector, or usher, or to provide coffee hour, please contact the leader for that ministry area. To see when you are serving, please click here for the server spreadsheet.


Acolytes serve as altar assistants to the presiding clergy during Sunday services at 10:00 a.m. The rotation is generally one Sunday per month. All children in second grade and above are invited to become acolytes. If you or your child are interested, please contact our Parish Administrator.

Torchbearers (grades 2 and above)
Torchbearers light the altar candles, carry the large candles (torches), and have other jobs during the church service.

Crucifers (grades 5 and above)
Crucifers lead the procession into the church by carrying the cross for each service.

Servers (grades 8 and above)
Sometimes called “subdeacons,” servers help to set the table for the Holy Eucharist.

Altar Guild

Members take turns setting up and clearing from the service they attend. Scheduling is flexible. New members usually work with an experienced member before working alone. Training and written instructions are also provided. Optional activities: caring for our linens, helping polish silver at Easter and Christmas, and assisting with the Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas displays.

Chalice Bearers

Also known as Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Chalice Bearers administer the chalice (cup) of wine during Holy Communion.


Greeters welcome visitors and new members at St. Paul's and help them find their way around the church.


Lectors (readers) read the Scripture lessons and intercessory prayers (also known as the Prayers of the People) during each worship service.


Ushers welcome people to the 10:00am Sunday service, distribute service bulletins, collect and present the offering, and guide the congregation during Holy Communion.

Coffee Hour Hosts

Coffee hour hosts provide food, beverages, setup, and cleanup for the reception after the 10:00am Sunday service.