What is Stewardship?

Stewardship is the job of managing resources wisely. In the church, stewardship season is a time for
taking stock of these resources—financial assets, time constraints, abilities, opportunities, and our discipleship. It is a time for reflection and recommitment to our support
for St. Paul’s. This is a better time to make changes rather than those
New Year’s resolutions that can
quickly fade into the ether by mid-January. We at St. Paul’s have the blessing of being in community with each other and with others who need our help.

Living this mission comes at a cost.
Our annual budget is approximately $650,000 and we are responsible
for raising all of it. Almost 60% of
this amount comes from pledges
with the remainder coming from
rental income, weekly plate offerings, and fundraisers including the yard

St. Paul’s relies on your predictable support to plan for the year ahead.
Our Stewardship goal for 2025 is $425,000, an increase of 10% from last year.




Time • Talent • Treasure •