Everyone is welcome here, no exceptions.
Join us for Lent
The journey through Lent is a journey with Jesus. We are baptized into his life, self-giving, and death; then, we rise in hope to life transformed.
We invite you to join us in worship, fellowship, and prayer this season.
Weekly Sunday worship at 8AM and 10AM
Activities for children and adults on Sundays at 9AM
Lenten house church on Friday evenings at 6:30PM
Holy Week & Easter
Holy Week and Easter are at the very heart of our faith. It’s a special time of devotion in our church and we celebrate with a series of annual services which follow the story of Jesus’s last days.
We warmly welcome you to join us and celebrate during this most holy time of year.
Get to Know St. Paul’s
At St. Paul’s, we come from different faith traditions; some from no tradition at all. We are an intergenerational community of faith and worship. We celebrate God’s graciousness by proclaiming in word and deed that God's love is abundant and unconditional. Our spiritual commitment to follow Jesus compels us to act for social justice and ministry beyond our walls.
Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of faith, from any tradition or none at all, you are welcome and invited to experience God’s life-giving grace and peace with us at St. Paul's.
Join Us Every Sunday Online & In-Person
8:00AM Worship
A quiet, contemplative worship experience with Eucharist that meets in the Sanctuary.